Healthy Lifestyle

Lifestyle, Ageing Well, Natural Living Susan Deeley Lifestyle, Ageing Well, Natural Living Susan Deeley

Hot/Cold Showers

I have always had a passion for Naturopathic hydrotherapy, as a traditional, practical and accessible modaility to increase vitality. I have had hot-cold showers for many years through summer and winter.

If you have always been a bit resistant to cold water, now is a wonderful time to practice a gentle form of hot and cold showers because we are in the middle of summer. Changing your hot shower to finish with a cold blast in the middle of winter, can seem heroic and way out of their comfort zone, for many people. Even if they realise the benefits.

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Herbs, Ageing Well Susan Deeley Herbs, Ageing Well Susan Deeley

Viruses & the Elderly

Older people are particularly vulnerable to viruses during winter.

What are some ways to help support the immune system of the elderly, to keep them resilient during the cold and flu season

First, diet, and most importantly, I recommend ensuring adequate protein. Past 65yo, the digestion of protein becomes less efficient…..

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Lifestyle, Mind & Mood Susan Deeley Lifestyle, Mind & Mood Susan Deeley

Self Love is Vital

I find most of the women I work with need to hear and appreciate hearing me say things like:

Looking after kids is already a full time job- then you do paid work as well? It’s a lot you are managing, no wonder you are tired/exhausted etc

Women’s work doesn’t tend to be recognised or acknowledged, so we feel we have to do more and more...but look at everything you are doing.....

As women, mothers and/or wives, we tend to look after all the details of the family life and schedule, often including our husband/partner’s details. There is so much detail to keep track of in today’s world!

It’s ok to take time out just for you- the family revolves around you being ok, so take time to take care of you!……..

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