Gut Ecology & Metabolic Modulation (G.E.M.M) Protocol
“G.E.M.M. has been used to successfully treat, sometimes alongside other treatments such as herbs, everything from chronic digestive issues, to hormonal imbalances, immune dysfunction, autoimmune conditions, stress and fatigue, and so much more. It combines well with herbal medicines and lifestyle adjustments. ”
What is the G.E.M.M. Protocol?
The G.E.M.M. Protocol (Gut Ecology & Metabolic Modulation) is a unique health care system that uses nature's principles to optimise your cell function. When your cells are healthy, the parts of your body that were not functioning well get what they need, and can also start to heal.
As a G.E.M.M. practitioner, I will likely ask you about your digestion, even if you don't think it's a problem. This is because your digestion and immune system are connected and an important starting point for addressing a range of disorders. The cells in your Gut-Immune Network send signals all over your body to help other cells work better. When your cells are functioning well, your body can start healing, no matter your health problems. That’s why gut health is essential and underlies many health issues.
The G.E.M.M. Protocol uses a science called Nutrigenomics, which looks at how certain foods can talk to your genes and help you stay healthy or make you sick, depending on what you eat. All aspects of the G.E.M.M. protocol have their foundation in peer-reviewed science, but also align with what we know from our own evolutionary background. It is a perfect blend of science and nature, helping undo the damage of modern lifestyles.
After discussing your health issues, I will design an individualised plan for you. This plan will help make your cells work better one step at a time. As you follow the G.E.M.M. plan, you'll start to feel better, and your symptoms will start to go away. You'll also learn how to cook and live in a way that keeps you feeling good for the rest of your life.
What is different about G.E.M.M.?
The G.E.M.M. Protocol is unique because it follows the natural ways our bodies work. It's like copying the processes that our cells naturally use to stay healthy and fix themselves. G.E.M.M. starts by focusing on bringing back a healthy balance in the gut.
G.E.M.M. uses unique natural formulas containing functional foods, that work well with our bodies. These functional foods send messages to our genes to trigger processes that help protect us. These foods have a particular language that tells our genes to repair and reduce inflammation, which can cause diseases.
Think of it like a remote control for our genes. These foods can make our genes work harder or slower, like turning up or down the volume. G.E.M.M. is a gentle but strong way to help our bodies get better and stay healthy.
One aspect that is different, is that G.E.M.M. doesn’t use harsh antimicrobial substances to eradicate unwanted gut microbes in the gut or body, such as in SIBO, dysbiosis, candida or thrush. Unfortunately any harsh antimicrobials will also kill the healthy microbes needed to keep the unwanted microbes in balance.
Does G.E.M.M. require a specific diet?
Many other protocols targeting digestive health require patients to exclude a long list of foods (gluten, oxalates, histamines, FODMAPS etc) to relieve symptoms. While this can help in the short term, it is rarely sustainable long term, and some people end up eating less and less variety as their sensitivities increase, which can lead to nutrient deficiencies, which can inhibit further healing. A variety of plant foods is so important for a healthy gut microbiome.
The G.E.M.M. procotol deliberately promotes a diet of inclusion rather than exclusion. G.E.M.M. recognises the power of food as medicine. While many people come to the protocol with food intolerances, and these foods may need to be avoided at the beginning, often these intolerances become a thing of the past, as the gut heals.
The G.E.M.M. protocol aims to encourage a diverse array of minimally processed foods, introduced sequentially.
What conditions does G.E.M.M. treat?
Because the G.E.M.M. approach implements treatment at the cellular level, ALL the cells in your body should benefit. This means that this approach heals at a much deeper, fundamental level that most approaches. This is so aligned with the principles of Naturopathy and Natural Medicine, which aims to treat the cause of illness, not just the symptoms.
G.E.M.M. has been used to successfully treat, sometimes alongside other treatments such as herbs, everything from chronic digestive issues, to hormonal imbalances, immune dysfunction, autoimmune conditions, stress and fatigue, and so much more. It combines well with herbal medicines and lifestyle adjustments.
How long will this programme take?
This varies from person to person, depending on such factors as the nature and extent of your health issues, your constitution and genetic predisposition, and how readily you can adopt the necessary lifestyle changes.
Generally, most patients experience substantial improvement within 3 months, although more complex and longstanding conditions may take longer. However, many patients will feel better much sooner than that.
Will G.E.M.M. improve my immune function? Allergies? Autoimmunity?
The gut and its underlying immune network are closely connected. The G.E.M.M. Protocol starts by improving digestive health, and then it focuses on fixing how the gut talks to the immune system underneath. This communication involves complicated signals that go back and forth. How G.E.M.M. affects these signals is one of the main things that makes G.E.M.M. different from other programs.
The immune system does more than fight infections. It also deals with inflammation, allergies, and problems where the body attacks itself (autoimmune conditions). One excellent thing about using G.E.M.M. to heal the gut-immune connection is that it can help get rid of intolerances to foods, which can be a big issue for many people.
G.E.M.M. is unique because it combines different complicated sciences to deal with infections, allergies, or inflammation. It's a unique way to approach these kinds of problems.