Post Viral Syndrome, ME/CFS, Long Covid….Epstein Barr, Herpes…..

These have been areas that medicine has not traditionally been able to help a lot with. And worse, in the past, often gaslit patients with any sort of mysterious chronic fatigue that didn’t show up any abnormalities on traditional pathology tests, implying it is ‘just’ psychological, as used to be told to women with PMS.

It is a complex, poorly understood area that is now being given more attention because of the wave of Long Covid coming through. However, it may be some time before the medical profession comes up with effective medications, as viruses tend to underly all these conditions. As we know, viruses do not respond to antibiotics.

Viruses can lie dormant in the body too- in various organs and tissues, long after the acute phase has passed. Epstein Barr, herpes and shingles all seem to have this characteristic- and it looks like Sars-CoV-2 does too. When the body gets run down or toxic, or when older, they can flare up.

However, these conditions can respond well to a wholistic, Naturopathic approach. Viral infections have been known for a long time in traditional medicine systems- even before they knew what viruses were. So we have a good range of plant medicines to use as both foods and in tincture or tablet form to support the body appropriately.

Also, there is much more understanding nowadays of what foods can help the immune system and what can hinder it.

I keep up with the latest medical research in this area, as it is a rapidly evolving field.