Healthy Lifestyle

Herbs, Ageing Well Susan Deeley Herbs, Ageing Well Susan Deeley

Viruses & the Elderly

Older people are particularly vulnerable to viruses during winter.

What are some ways to help support the immune system of the elderly, to keep them resilient during the cold and flu season

First, diet, and most importantly, I recommend ensuring adequate protein. Past 65yo, the digestion of protein becomes less efficient…..

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Herbs, Lifestyle Susan Deeley Herbs, Lifestyle Susan Deeley

Plant Medicine

I write a fair bit about evidence-based complementary medicines. I enjoy research. Yet much of my own life is lived on another level, more in the energy world. The subtle worlds of nature, energy, prana. The plant world around me. My inner life.

Such as the gotu kola plant that I am watching grow all over the outdoor fireplace lately. I pick a few leaves and put them in a salad or casserole, to help with the connective tissue issues of menopause. But I also delight in the way it is growing wildly in my garden.

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Herbs, Mind & Mood Susan Deeley Herbs, Mind & Mood Susan Deeley

Mood Boosting Herbs in your Garden

We have access to so many herbs and supplements internationally, that we often forget about the humble herbs that surround us in our own gardens and our neighourhood. I have a passion for growing and wildcrafting herbs and learning to use them in food and as medicines. There is a healing power in being in touch with the plants in our own environment, of going into the garden and picking some leaves or flowers, and preparing something healing for ourselves or our loved ones. It doesn’t always have to come processed as tablets in expensive bottles. 

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